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STEPS Charity is reaching out to the community to show their support and walk alongside them as they continue to service vulnerable communities and adapt to new challenges presented by the Coronavirus.

STEPS are leaders in the charity space and have been supporting people with disabilities on the Coast for more than 30 years, but like all organisations within the charity and event sectors, they’re facing unprecedented times.

STEPS managing director Carmel Crouch said all charities are being hit hard by the impacts of Coronavirus, and calls out for locals not to forget about charities at this time.

“The world is experiencing a situation unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes, the tragic loss of life and the far reaching economic implications this will have on our vulnerable communities is of great concern,” Ms Crouch said.

“We plan to remain strong, to continue to run our services to support families living with disability and autism, but it takes a massive amount of money to do this, and we are facing some very uncertain times.

“We are devastated that the cancellation of events will directly impact all charities’ abilities to deliver for our community.

“We have to raise the funds for our next expansion to the STEPS Pathways College, which will potentially double our capacity and provide even more places for people with a disability to learn to live and work independently,” she said.

STEPS Charity raises vital funds to support Caloundra’s STEPS Pathways College, Australia’s first college for young adults living with disability, to learn skills for independent living.

STEPS are relaunching their Workplace Giving Program, to raise the necessary funds to build the extension to the Pathways College, and say it’s an easy way for everyone to unite in these hard times to still support those who need it most, and give small, regular donations, that really go a long way.

“We are asking the Sunshine Coast community to come with us on this journey, in these extraordinary times, by committing to small, regular, tax deductible payments to make a real difference in the lives of people who face big challenges,” Ms Crouch said.

“In these difficult times the world is experiencing, we are thankful that we are surrounded by such a wonderful Sunshine Coast community, and we know that all charities are facing a similar fate.

“We want to spread the message that it is vital to continue to support all charities wherever possible, we know we are not in a unique position, there are many charities that need support,” she said.

Ms Crouch said Coronavirus will dramatically affect the ability of all charities to function and deliver services, not only due to cancellation of events, but also because of operational difficulties, all in a time where support to vulnerable communities is needed most.

To sign up to the Workplace Giving Program or find out more call 07 5458 3000 or visit the website

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