Caloundra’s STEPS Pathways College continue to strive, even in challenging times, to change the landscape for young people living with disabilities.
As the world adapts to changes due to coronavirus, the STEPS Pathways College Day Program is moving to an online, interactive teaching mode to keep their students connected and engaged.
The program is modelled on the current STEPS Pathways College curriculum. A modern campus dedicated to providing education and training for young people with a disability to reach their goals of living independently.
STEPS Pathways manager DJ McGlynn said the new online offering is for everyone, especially those in regional and remote areas across Australia.
“We are using this challenging time as a time to innovate and expand our reach, we want all young people to feel like they’re connected and learning at the same time, so they continue to reach for their goals,” he said.
“All students need is an internet connection, and a device and it’s like they’re right here on campus.
“We know that our students love their routine of coming to class, and connecting with their classmates, we want to provide a continuity of service as much as we can.
“We want to be the pioneers in this space, the course picks up on the current nine module core curriculum and extends it to include socialising and communicating in a changing environment,” he said.
The program will be interactive and include a combination of online classwork, group discussions and project based activities to enhance the participants’ learning.
STEPS is opening up opportunities for external participants to engage with the service to inhibit the chances of regression or social isolation.
The application process is simple, students can choose the subjects they’d like to study and pay only for those either via their NDIS plans, or fee for service. Classes are starting next week via the Zoom platform, and STEPS will run three sessions a day Monday to Friday.
Class sizes will be delivered at a level where all participants will have the opportunity of contributing and progressing at a similar pace.
For more information, please call 5458 3000 or email