We’re pleased to announce Prima Commercial Fitouts as this year’s presenting partner of the STEPS Grand Winter Ball.
Prima Commercial Fitouts has been a long-time supporter of STEPS, and their contribution over the years has given many students the opportunity to achieve a life of independence at STEPS Pathways College.
But while their generosity is greatly valued by us and our students, it’s their work to reduce costs from STEPS’ bottom line that deserves our heartfelt appreciation too.
You see, while STEPS Pathways College receives no government funding, many of STEPS’ other programs and services do.
As a not-for-profit organisation STEPS depends on government funding for programs such as disability employment services, and our important language, literacy, and numeracy programs.
The nature of this funding can mean a sudden change in which an organisation must quickly recruit staff and create workspaces to support new or expanded programs and services.
STEPS Managing Director Carmel Crouch says this type of change can be a costly burden on organizations like STEPS, but that’s where Prima has stepped in.
“We’ve worked with Prima Commercial Fitouts for years now, and in that time they have saved us huge amounts of money by redesigning our office spaces and classrooms to meet our changing demands”, Carmel said.
“If we had to move our offices every time we launched a new program or expanded the cost involved would be crippling”, she said.
Prima’s director Brendan Wavell-Smith said the years working with STEPS on the Sunshine Coast and around the country have given him insight into some of the challenges people with a disability face in daily life.
“It upsets me to see how hard it can be for people with a disability and the limited opportunities available to them”, Brendan said.
“That’s why I’m such a big supporter of STEPS. I have seen firsthand the work they do and the impact it has on their clients and students”.
“And I’m absolutely honoured to be a part of such an innovative program like STEPS Pathways College, something that is going to actually change the future for these young people”.
A Special Offer for STEPS Supporters
As a special offer for supporters of STEPS Pathways College and the STEPS Grand Winter Ball, Prima Commercial Fitouts are offering a FREE Office Design Consultation.
To book your FREE Office Design Consultation email us at info@primacommercial.com.au and quote GWBPrima.